Our mission statement
- We aim to inspire our employees and customers with uniqueness
Our Company - is managed in a modern and innovative way
- makes decisions consistently and thoughtfully
- considers human and social aspects
- lives by the motto: "the secret of beauty is pink"
Our Employees - are treated fairly and honestly
- are led with heart and mind
- are supported and trained both professionally and personally
- are recognized and rewarded for performance and courage
- respect and value each other
- are well-trained, competent, and professional
Our Customer - is king
- is at the center of our actions
- receives help and advice to the best of our knowledge and belief
- is understood and respected
- feels comfortable and secure with us
Our Services - are professional and of the highest quality
- are carried out hygienically and cleanly
- are characterized by speed and precision
- include individual and personal consultation and care
- are trendy and fashion-conscious